
Apart from an Oberding district, Albert von Schrenck-Notzing was a German physician, psychiatrist and psychical researcher who was pioneer investigating paranormal areas like mediumship, hypnotism, telepathy... Schrenck-Notzing is known as the rst forensic psychologist of the history. Also, /ˈnʌθɪ / can be some kind of word play with the English word «nothing» when verbalized. And now, Notzing is an electronic music project. 
Changing the reality around us is the only way to improve each individual. That is the purpose of life and the dare to be achieved, the only way to become a change agent, the art of driving people around. When Dario Garcia started to design his own sounds, his rst obsession was to being able to use frequencies to induce altered states of consciousness to those who listen. Psychoacoustics,

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