
Mario Kuhlmann is Dortmund based and 29 years old, loving electronic music for over 15 years now. He finally got caught by electronic music when hefirst visitied the Sound Garden Dortmund, by then residented by Nathalie De Borah.He was so much impressed by this sound that he from then never wantedto listen to anything else.His favourite clubs were: Depot (Münster),Fusion Club (Münster), Tor 3(Düsseldorf) and Factory (Dortmund, Kley).Just about millenium he bought his first equipment, including belt driven turntables and a 2- channel-mixer.He quickly improved his skills and learned a lot about music equipment. When he experienced an amzing live act by Brixton in 2002, he decided to create all this unique sounds by himself instead of onlymixing it.From that time on he created a lot of impressive and unique

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